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Albert Pike Blueprint |
First World
War held by allowing the Illuminati to overthrow the Russian Tsar and
make that country a fortress of atheistic communism. Disputes between
the British and German royal was driven by "Agentur" (Agent) of
Illuminati will be used to trigger this war. At the end of the war,
Communism will be built and used to destroy other governments and
weaken religions.
The second World War was triggered by taking advantage of the dispute between Fascists and political Zionists. This war must be taken so that Nazism destroyed and up to Zionist politics strong enough to organize an institution of a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must be strong enough to offset the Christians, who then would control up to when we will need it to ending the social disaster.
Third World War was triggered by taking advantage of the discord caused by the "Agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim Arab world) and Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile other nations, once more divided on this issue and will fight each other to the point of physical exhaustion, moral, spiritual and overall economic ... we need to let go of the nihilist and atheist and we shall provoke a great social catalyst which will showed clearly to all nations, that they will feel the absolute effect of atheism, origin of suffering and the biggest bloody riots. After that, people will be forced to protect themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries and will begin to destroy the destroyer of civilization. The Christian who then would face the loss of spirit, leadership, and the emergence of concerns about their beliefs, will lose the direction to whom they should believe, will get the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer. A manifestation which will bring about a movement in which Christianity and atheism, both will be conquered and eliminated at the same time.
The second World War was triggered by taking advantage of the dispute between Fascists and political Zionists. This war must be taken so that Nazism destroyed and up to Zionist politics strong enough to organize an institution of a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must be strong enough to offset the Christians, who then would control up to when we will need it to ending the social disaster.
Third World War was triggered by taking advantage of the discord caused by the "Agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim Arab world) and Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile other nations, once more divided on this issue and will fight each other to the point of physical exhaustion, moral, spiritual and overall economic ... we need to let go of the nihilist and atheist and we shall provoke a great social catalyst which will showed clearly to all nations, that they will feel the absolute effect of atheism, origin of suffering and the biggest bloody riots. After that, people will be forced to protect themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries and will begin to destroy the destroyer of civilization. The Christian who then would face the loss of spirit, leadership, and the emergence of concerns about their beliefs, will lose the direction to whom they should believe, will get the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer. A manifestation which will bring about a movement in which Christianity and atheism, both will be conquered and eliminated at the same time.
are similarities between the blueprint of Albert Pike and the World
War I and II (As if this really has been arranged in such a way with a
specific purpose).
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Albert Pike, member of Freemasonry |
World War I
First World War occurred in 1914-1918 or 43 years after the letter of Albert Pike to Mazzini. This war was triggered by a slew Austrian prince, Franz Ferdinand by a Serb terrorist, Gavrilo in Sarajevo. This war was also fueled by Russia's mobilization against Austria. Block consisting of U.S. ally, Russia, United Kingdom (England, Australia, India, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada), Italy and France managed to beat the block that contains the power of Germany's ally, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria . Despite being on the winning block, but in fact Russia is the party most suffer losses because about 1.7 million troops and 3 million Russian civilians become casualties. This war also marked the end of the German Empire, Ottoman Empire / Ottoman, Austria-Hungary and the collapse of Tsarist Russia (Russian Empire). Similar to that designed by Albert Pike.
World War II
Second World War is much greater than the First World War, because of the war which lasted between the years 1939-1945 involves almost all countries in the world and takes place on three continents, namely Asia-Pacific, Europe and Africa. The war was triggered by an attack by Japanese forces against the U.S. marine base at Pearl Harbor, as well as the German invasion of Poland. At first the German Nazi troops joined in the block Axis (axis) with Italian Fascism, Japanese and some "second country" like Romania, Hungary and Iraq became the winning side. But after the Soviet Union joined the allied block with the U.S., Britain, France and Poland, the Allied turned excel and forcing Axis block to surrender on July to August 1945. This victory is also helped by a Jew named Albert Einstein. German physicist who came out of Germany in 1930 before the Holocaust. Einstein that urged U.S. President at the time, Franklin D. Roosevelt to immediately develop an atomic bomb. Atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki finally ending the Second World War.
According to historical records (or perhaps can be regarded as a myth), the Holocaust was the massacre organized by the government of Nazi Germany against some ethnic and racial party during the Second World War, the Holocaust occurred in 1930-1945. The number of victims reached 9-11 million people including 6 million people from among the Jews. But the Holocaust extremely apocryphal, Nazi Germany was indeed hate Jews, but they do not carry out the slaughter (genocide), but just doing forced labor, confiscation of assets belonging to Jews, captivity, dispossession of Jews in Germany, and deportation from Germany. Not found strong evidence that the Holocaust really happened. Holocaust might just be a reason of the Jewish people to a exodus of Palestinians to Palestine on the pretext is a safe place to shelter from the threat of the Nazi. But there are other reasons behind it, namely to launch efforts for the Jewish people to establish the state of Israel on Palestinian land, the Muslim's land. This is also the same as the blueprint Albert Pike, isn't it?
How the Third World War?
The Third World War has not happened, but the seeds of the Third World War is already visible (as found in the blueprint of Albert Pike):
As written in the Pike's letter, the Third World War was triggered by creating hatred between the political Zionists and Islam. In recent years Israeli Zionist forces launched an invasion and expansion in the Palestinian territories who make Muslims very angry, mainly because of Israeli plans to destroy Al Aqsa mosque. Israel argued Al Aqsa is the ruins of Solomon's temple which is one of the holy places for Jews and wanted to rebuild it. This action sparked anti-Israel and boycott Israel in various countries Muslim. Many of the nihilist (Nihilism is an understanding which doesn't support the existence of a creator, a true moral is unknown, and secular ethics are impossible. Therefore, life has no meaning) and atheist (not believing in God). Many of the followers of the teachings of Christianity began to lose spirit because they lost the direction and purpose of their lives, many others began to realize and open my eyes and accept the truth because there are many lies in their beliefs.
Unrest in the Middle East that has rocked Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are believed not quenched even will spread to other countries in the Arabian peninsula and surrounding areas. This is because people begin to lose confidence in the government and wanted a revolution.
The world is ruled by the Illuminati movement that will spread the sacred doctrine (read: false doctrine), Lucifer. With the pretext for the movement of enlightenment, this time the movement has started to go into the community through political, cultural, social and economic.
If indeed the Third World War will actually happen then the possibility would be a very formidable battle over the First World War or the second. A war between Jews and Muslims will involve almost all countries in the world, because it is related to the problem of religion (almost the same as the Crusades.) For the first time also will use nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Israel will always be supported by the U.S. that is eternal allies also will receive strong support from countries such as Britain, Germany and Italy, Canada, Australia and France but it also has the support of some leftist Arab countries and countries in Asia such as Japan, South Korea. They all will deal with the Palestinians, State of the OIC and Arab League members such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, UAE, Iraq, Bahrain and the support from African countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and others. Indonesia also maybe who having a strong military participated in this block. Other powerful countries like Russia and China and that anti-US State like Iran, Cuba, Venezuela probably will not directly participate in war, but will wait to get into one block or are in the new block (neutral). Wallahua'lam bishshowab.
Was salamu 'alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
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